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My name is Carl Prince and I am a fitness professional, personal trainer, business owner, entrepreneur, father, spartan race runner, weight lifter, football player, tennis player, traveler, blogger, fitness model, motorbike rider, sports car driver, clubber, wine drinker, mindfulness practitioner...


What I am trying to say is I am all of these things and more. These are not who I am as a person however but they are both what I really enjoy doing and what I fit into my life, whilst maintaining a high level of health & fitness. Priority number one, my daughter, after that it is my relationship with myself and those around me, my clients, my business, whilst being able to throw some weights around the gym, play football then jump on the motorbike for a ride out.

Home: About Me
Image by Morgan Petroski


Using the principles of intention implementations, so that you change your life through the things you do, not just the statements you make.

So, in essence, I'm not just going to be a PT making statements like self help books do about positive reinforcement, but instead draw on my own experiences and over a decade of improving my own well being as well as others around me to help the client implement their own intentions.

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This has become the basis for all my personal training undertakings of recent times and for me, is the reason my clients have success.

You see everyone who walks into one of my studios or enquires about training with myself or my team have one thing in common, intention. The same applies when people set out to get in shape. Their reason for starting can vary, some are looking to slim down for an event, others are on doctor's orders, whilst others just want to feel or dare I say it look better. Regardless of the reason, the intention is there. So why does this not always result in success? Plain and simply it is the lack of implementation. But why do we fall short on the implementation phase? Nine times out of ten, it is the planning or lack thereof!

So what does this all mean? Well, to really look to implement an exercise regime, you have to look at everything else around you, then take a look at you personally. Are you in a place in your life right now where exercise is even feasible? Do you feel like you can strike enough of a balance between, work, family, social activities, hobbies, dietary requirements, etc to fit exercise in? If the answer is no, then that's fine, don't put am intention in to start training when in reality it is not possible. Likewise, if you find yourself struggling with depression, anxiety, self-confidence, and exercise seems like far too much of a struggle, then again, there is little point in having intentions to start before you have addressed those issues first. In essence, if you have intentions to train or embark on an exercise routine with no real plan to implement those intentions, it will not happen for you, you will probably start to feel a bit rubbish about things which will in essence set you back.

So let's get real. Intentions first. Why are you looking to start, are you sure you are in the right place to start, and if you are unsure, then fill out a contact form and let's chat...

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